The Chicago Bears are the champions of the NFC North! It has been a
long journey toward relevancy for the Bears, but we're finally here
again. It's been too long. Now the White Sox gotta.

This episode, I've got Chris (@gokuffy) and Chris (@antoniuspius) continuing our Kurosawa watch, this time with Seven Samurai. Then Ink (@AnimatedInk) and Basil (@itsbasiltime) join Chris and I to talk about Hanebado.


Show notes:

0:30 - Chris, Chris, and I talk about Seven Samurai!

55:36 - Chris, Ink, Basil, and I talk about Hanebado!

1:38:43 - We take your questions on Hanebado!

Next time is the annual Reverse Thieves Anime Secret Santa show!

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