Strap in for a new episode of TacticalPay Radio! This week, we're talking about learning and practicing self defense with a true expert. Maggie Mordaunt AKA "CCW Maggie” is the Founder/Owner and Lead Instructor for Homeland Personal Protection Firearms Training or HPP Firearms Training. For ten years now her training has been geared towards defensive shooting against potentially lethal threats. In addition to her work with HPP Firearms Training, Maggie is a Defensive Firearms Coach, an NRA Training Counselor, Certified Instructor, and Chief Range Safety Officer as well as an authorized CCW/CFP Instructor for NV, UT & FL. She is currently on tour as an instructor for the Personal Defense Network Tour. Maggie is "a Wife to a very supportive husband of (10) years, a Mom of (2) beautiful children and is a Woman who understands the importance of self-defense as a fundamental right."

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