Today I welcome the incredible Lucia Pavone to the Tactical Magic podcast. Lucia is a Pleasure Instigator, Sex & Sensuality Instructor, International Speaker.

She supports those who identify as women to connect to their sensuality, love the body they are in and have a sex life worth bragging about.

Her journey of sexual emancipation began over 16 years ago when she took her first sensuality course. Quickly realizing the pursuit of pleasure was her calling, she became a dedicated researcher of communication, relationships and sensuality . Busting through the limitations put on a woman’s orgasm, she’s experienced over 6,000 hours of Deliberate Embodied Orgasm (full body, extended orgasm).

Lucia has been featured on the Ignite Intimacy podcast, Taboo Talk, Performers Creative Lab Podcast, and discoverHER radio, as well as been featured in and For the past 2 years, she’s hosted a weekly livestream on OSchool, a pleasure based sex education website, as seen in Forbes, Huffington Post, Glamour and recently went viral on NOW THIS.
Lucia believes that by experiencing the universe through sensual gratification, pleasurable communication , and a woman's orgasm, life has infinite possibilities.