See related article on the topic:

If you are burned out from life, previous high volume cycles, you may want to do a deload week prior to getting your lift cycle on. As you know we do Fall / Winter Lift cycles and will progress into lifting.  We even do a 4th week deload during the Fall progression and throughout the winter lift cycle. WHY? - It helps....both with recovery and progress. 

When training hard, especially those preparing for a Special Ops level selection program in their future, multiple challenging workouts in a week always requires a strict recovery regimen.  That means your sleep, nutrition for fuel, nutrition for recovery, electrolytes / hydration, recovery days, and a smart balance of training using split routines that allow for muscle group recovery ALL have to be in perfect alignment.  When any of those get neglected, you will start to see the signs of over-training or under-recovery start to show themselves usually as lack of energy to train and decreased performance.

See more great training ideas at in the form of free articles, free APP, and books, ebooks, and online coaching too.

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