Playoffs are heating up and Kickedtripod, Yiska and Volamel are here to wax lyrical on the results. Decay's performance has surfaced the conversation on if the spirit of the rules regarding emergency subs has been upheld. Justice, to that degree, has gone on a tear in the playoffs. How much credit does Decay get? How much credit does the playoff patch get? And Hooooo boy, the Fusion look the best in North America.

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KickedTripod - @kickedtripod
Volamel - @Volamel
Yiska - @YiskaOut

Tactical Crouch is a competitive Overwatch podcast that discuss a wide array of topics from roster discussions and recent results to balance changes and upcoming tournaments. Join your veteran hosts Yiska, Volamel, and KickedTripod and get your weekly fill of competitive Overwatch discussion!

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