Welcome to Season 2 of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast! In this episode, Beav sits down with the owners of Pulseology, a local fitness club and team of personal trainers. Being that it's New Years, and everyone is bound and determined to “get in the gym and be healthier” We thought it would be a good idea to give you guys some insights to set your self up for success and being able to stick to those New Years resolutions.

Statistically, something like 95% of new gym members stop going after just 3 months. John, JP and Scott, all with military backgrounds, give us some tips on ways you can set goals and keep motivation up that will help you not just stay on your new health path, but actually enjoy it. (Yeah, its actually possible to enjoy the gym, we know…it’s weird.)

So much of a fitness journey, (what ever that may mean to you), is almost completely mental. Changing your mindset, and having good mental health is a huge part of being able to continue and not give into the excuses that become easier and easier to succumb to. As a former Army recon platoon leader, JP is very big on mental health, and listening to his take on goals will change the way you jump into something new.

We encourage you to listen to this all the way through, because there is great info through out the episode.

All of this and a ton more on the episode of the Tactical Baby Gear® Podcast.