We all know how some games can take a while to set up. Sometimes it's because there are just a lot of components and different pieces to take out of the box and place on the table. Other times, it's because you have to sort components a certain way, after they were all mixed together in a previous play of the game. The opposite can also be true, where you have to shuffle tiles or cards, after they ended up all in order when you finished playing the game last time. In this article, I want to look at both: games that sort or shuffle themselves during play and are virtually immediately ready to play again, as well as games that expect you to shuffle or sort components before you can play them again.

Read the full article here: https://tabletopgamesblog.com/2022/03/29/self-sorting-games-topic-discussion/

Intro Music: Bomber (Sting) by Riot (https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/)

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(Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash)