Who's in control of the story and character narratives in the game? Is it the dungeon master? Should the players have control over their characters narrative? Does it matter? Dustin and Jeff discuss these questions in the first half of the April 30th, 2019 livestream of 'The Wisdom Check'. This episode is that first half of the stream and sets up our next topic Character Death and Character Retirement. 

Stay tuned for more replays of our livestream here on our youTube channel and be sure to join us live on our Twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/tt2kb. 

Join us on our Discord: https://discord.gg/2e4ufq 

Find all of our other The Wisdom Check episodes in this handy playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsrt5ysUn0o&list=PLUEZj_j1F7ATl6MsCyuoz0o-upMJFaOrL 

Or if you prefer to listen to us as a podcast: SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/0elNfri8I7WyH5z0Nu1EOw 

If you are a fan of Let's Play content check out Jeff's (left side) youTube channel: youtube.com/reignsurvives 

If you like livestreams of MMO's check out Dustin's (right side) twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/plaguestate/