Psalm 127:1-5
1.  Who is Building your House?
A) The conditional clauses we see in verse 1 emphasize the futility of human effort without God
B) Whether we are building a house, or protecting a city, we must be following God’s will in every effort
C) If Jesus is not our foundation, we will have a life of anxiety instead of joy and rest
2.   Are Our Children Arrows or Jewelry? A) The next generation is a blessing to us, but also our responsibility
B) Do we want to protect our kids at all costs, or are we training them to be sent out by God?
C) It isn’t our job to make the next generation look like us, it’s our job to equip them to be like Christ
3.  Will our Homes Age well? A) The latter half of verse five contains legal language 
- The city gate is where court was held and children could speak on behalf of their parents
B) If we train the next generation to understand and live out the gospel, we will not be put to shame