How Long? | Dr. Zach CrookPsalm 13:1-6
1. In this Life, Pain is RealA. David is crying out in anguish to God!1. He feels abandoned and ignoredB. It’s ok to be honest with God…He knows what you are thinking, anyway!
2. How Will You Deal with Pain?  A. When you are in the midst of pain, where do you turn?1. Do we turn to God, or do we try to numb the pain ourselves?B. In order to make sure we are turning to God, we need to do a couple of things:1. Keep a regular habit of prayer2. Be honest in our prayers
3. The Gospel Moves us from Despair to Trust in the midst of Pain  A. David moves from lamenting to praising in the course of just 6 verses!1. He understands that God’s love doesn’t change2. He understands that God’s salvation is sureB. The gospel doesn’t mean we won’t have any pain, it means that Jesus is enough, in spite of our painC. How long will pain last?1. Not long, when we think of eternity’s scope!