1. Our Hope is CertainA. Peter starts with a song.B. God’s mercy has given us a living hope!C. Peter reminds us that we have an incredible inheritance as sons and daughters of the King.D. We are living on Saturday, but Sunday is coming!
2. Our Hope Gives us Joy in TrialsA. We rejoice even when we are suffering because of our living hope.B. God is refining us in trials.- What if the pain of this life is God’s blessing in disguise?C. A faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted.D. Remember the goal!
3. Our Hope was Prophesied About and Revealed through ChristA. Peter concludes this section by looking at salvation’s greatness, not through the eyes of the recipient, but the agents who brought it.- The Old Testament prophets proclaimed this message.- The Holy Spirit inspired the message.- The New Testament apostles preached the message.B. The saving power of the gospel is so powerful that angels are in awe!