Would you wish your life in Christ on anyone else? In other words, is your life in Christ so exhilarating and fulfilling to the point where you would want EVERYONE to know about it and have the opportunity to experience it? Or do you see your Christian life as a burden, to where you wouldn’t wish it on ANYONE?
Consistency and persistence are two crucial characteristics we need to have when we pray.
Being consistent means that prayer has become a part of your life. It means constantly adhering to the same course or form. Being consistent in prayer is the idea of having regular time with God on a daily basis. If we are going to emulate the character of Christ in our lives, and see God do amazing things, there is no way that can be accomplished if we’re not consistently abiding in Him.
Being consistent means that you are constant and continuous. Now, being persistent means that you endure tenaciously, even against great odds or obstacles.
George Mueller once said: “The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer; they do not go on praying; they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God’s glory, they should pray until they get it.” That’s the idea of persistence: always praying and not losing heart regardless of any obstacles or delays.
So keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking. Be consistent. Be persistent in prayer.