The church should always select from among themselves men of high character who are tested and qualified to serve as Deacons. Here are the characteristics and qualifications of being a Deacon.

1) Deacons are problem solvers, not problem starters (6:1)
2) Deacons serve the church body by ministering to people (6:2)
3) Deacons have good character - men of good reputation, full of the Spirit, wise, and responsible (6:3)
4) Deacons promote healthy churches (6:5-7)
5) Deacons carry themselves with dignity (1 Tim 3:8)
6) Deacons must not be double-tongued or insincere (3:8)
7) Deacons must not be addicted to alcohol (3:8)
8) Deacons must not be greedy (3:8)
9) Deacons must be tested (3:10)
10) Deacons are to be men of incomparable family values (3:12)