God gives us all abilities to be used for the Glory of His name. When He comes again, may He find you faithful.

1. True followers multiply what has been entrusted to them: The first two servants show that they were true followers because they were good stewards of the master’s money. They trusted him, obeyed him, and invested that which he had given them. They produced fruit. The third servant was not a true follower, because he did not multiply that which was given him, instead he buried his talent. He was crippled by fear and was lazy. Therefore, he received no praise, but he was thrown out of the master’s presence.

2. The desire of a true servant of the LORD should be to hear “well done good and faithful servant.” - What is your talent? You need to understand that the talents belong to the Master. It’s not yours. You do not have the right to bury it. The only thing you can do with what you have been given is to invest it for the Master’s glory. It all belongs to the Master. Multiply your talent. Don’t lose the blessing for good stewardship.