The conversation for this week’s edition is centered around a comparison between the US backed B3W and China’s BRI.

The post Episode 09 – B3W Vs BRI appeared first on Tabadlab | Understanding Change.

About this Episode

The G7 recently announced the Build Back Better World Partnership (B3W), a commitment to invest up to $40 trillion to plug the infrastructure gap in low- and middle-income countries exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis.

The B3W is pitched as a challenge to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and a key part of the US plan to counter China’s growing global influence.

The conversation for this week’s edition is centered around a comparison between the US backed B3W and China’s BRI. Our guest, Jonathan Hillman, dissects the merits and demerits of B3W and draws parallels between this project and previous US efforts to counter China, like the Blue Dot Network.

Tabadlab's Dragon Road · S01 E09 – B3W Vs BRI

About this Episode

For this week’s episode of Dragon Road we are joined by Jonathan Hillman, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). At CSIS, he is the Director of the Reconnecting Asia Project, an open-source database dedicated to tracking BRI projects. Before joining CSIS, Hillman served at the Office of the US Trade Representative as a policy adviser. Jonathan has also recently authored a book titled “ The Emperor’s New Road, China and the Project of the Century”.

Publications by the Guest

The Quad’s Strategic Infrastructure PlayRed Flags: Triaging China’s Projects in the Western BalkansHuawei Strikes BackMapping China’s Digital Silk RoadThe Secret History of HambantotaChina Is Watching You

The post Episode 09 – B3W Vs BRI appeared first on Tabadlab | Understanding Change.