For nearly 30 years, the Tuscaloosa-based Southern Christian Writers Conference has embraced the power of words and encouraged writers to find their voice. The popular conference attracts more than 200 participants each year. The Alabama Baptist has had the privilege of partnering with the Southern Christian Writers Conference in recent years.

Conference coordinator Cheryl Wray dreamed of expanding opportunities for Christian writers to also include an annual book expo, and this year’s book expo is coming up Feb. 1 at Lakeside Baptist Church in Birmingham. Cheryl joins TABNews co-hosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell on this week’s episode to discuss the upcoming book expo and share tips for aspiring authors.

For more information about SCWC and the book expo, visit Southern Christian Writers Conference on Facebook. Following the 30-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries.

Article locations:

Church coffee shop provides hot drinks and creative missions education opportunity(29:43)

Hungry customers get more than a home-cooked meal at donations-only restaurant(38:33)

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (50:24)

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (56:24)

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