Previous Episode: End It Alabama

TAB News co-hosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell talk with Samford Sports Hall of Famer Gary Fleming this week about how he merged a call to the ministry with his athletic career. Following his standout football career in college in the late 1960s, he played in the NFL for the Baltimore Colts before becoming a championship high school football and basketball coach in Alabama. Woven throughout all of his athletic moments has been a steady focus on opportunities to serve the Lord. 

Following the 25-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations: 

More than 650 babies given life and family through embryo adoption (30:12)

Abortion bills advancing in Alabama and across US (37:35) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (46:23) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (51:44) 

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TAB News co-hosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell talk with Samford Sports Hall of Famer Gary Fleming this week about how he merged a call to the ministry with his athletic career. Following his standout football career in college in the late 1960s, he played in the NFL for the Baltimore Colts before becoming a championship high school football and basketball coach in Alabama. Woven throughout all of his athletic moments has been a steady focus on opportunities to serve the Lord. 

Following the 25-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations: 

More than 650 babies given life and family through embryo adoption (30:12)

Abortion bills advancing in Alabama and across US (37:35) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (46:23) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (51:44) 

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