As parents, grandparents, caregivers, aunties and uncles, we all know the importance of keeping the kiddos in our lives safe, healthy and on the road to becoming responsible adults one day. But do we always remember the vital role of helping lay a biblical, spiritual foundation for the children, even when they are young? 

On this week’s TAB News, host Jennifer Rash and guest co-host Cynthia Watts talk with Birmingham native Jean Thomason who has spent a career focused on children’s spiritual growth with her popular Miss PattyCake character. Jean shares insights into how we all can be part of teaching the little ones in our lives about God and the importance of praising Him. To find out more and order a copy of her book “Sharing God’s Big Love with Little Lives” at

Following the 30-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries.  

Article Locations: 

Beauregard Benefit Night offers healing moments and donations to help community (33:05) 

Anonymous donor gives large gift toward Valleydale’s debt (43:56) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (55:27) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (64:32) 

Visit TAB News HERE

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts HERE

As parents, grandparents, caregivers, aunties and uncles, we all know the importance of keeping the kiddos in our lives safe, healthy and on the road to becoming responsible adults one day. But do we always remember the vital role of helping lay a biblical, spiritual foundation for the children, even when they are young? 

On this week’s TAB News, host Jennifer Rash and guest co-host Cynthia Watts talk with Birmingham native Jean Thomason who has spent a career focused on children’s spiritual growth with her popular Miss PattyCake character. Jean shares insights into how we all can be part of teaching the little ones in our lives about God and the importance of praising Him. To find out more and order a copy of her book “Sharing God’s Big Love with Little Lives” at

Following the 30-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries.  

Article Locations: 

Beauregard Benefit Night offers healing moments and donations to help community (33:05) 

Anonymous donor gives large gift toward Valleydale’s debt (43:56) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (55:27) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (64:32) 

Visit TAB News HERE

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts HERE