Jesus said for believers to go and make disciples. Most of us understand this Great Commission command to be carried out while we are living here on earth but can we continue faithful disciple making after we die? Most of us, or at least those who are getting older, begin to think of leaving a legacy, but how do we make sure our desires are carried out? How can we make sure our estate plan continues reflecting our Christian values and personal faith? 

Barry Bledsoe and John Ashworth of The Baptist Foundation of Alabama share about the importance of estate planning and leaving a legacy on this week’s TAB News. 

Following the 29-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations: 

Alabama Baptists will observe “Social Issues Sunday” (30:57) 

Broder crisis: second in a series (38:06) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (47:50) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (54:59) 

Visit TAB News HERE

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts HERE

Jesus said for believers to go and make disciples. Most of us understand this Great Commission command to be carried out while we are living here on earth but can we continue faithful disciple making after we die? Most of us, or at least those who are getting older, begin to think of leaving a legacy, but how do we make sure our desires are carried out? How can we make sure our estate plan continues reflecting our Christian values and personal faith? 

Barry Bledsoe and John Ashworth of The Baptist Foundation of Alabama share about the importance of estate planning and leaving a legacy on this week’s TAB News. 

Following the 29-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations: 

Alabama Baptists will observe “Social Issues Sunday” (30:57) 

Broder crisis: second in a series (38:06) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (47:50) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (54:59) 

Visit TAB News HERE

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts HERE