When Chette Williams first thought about stepping into the role of football team chaplain at Auburn University, it didn’t exist as a full-time position. Up until then, local pastors had served in that role as volunteers, but no one was there as a full-time spiritual director for the team. 

But God had plans, it seems — when Coach Tommy Tuberville came to Auburn in 1999, he sat down with Williams, and together they drafted his job description. And now two decades later of leading athletes to know Jesus better, Williams is the longest-standing chaplain at a NCAA Division I school, and he’s served as director of Auburn’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes for just as long. 

Williams and Auburn’s basketball chaplain Randy Roberts join TAB News hosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell this week to share about their personal faith journeys as well as their roles at Auburn. 

Following the 27-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations: 

Kidney donation inspires Clarke County motorcycle ministry (29:55) 

Back-to-school event brings the world to Alabama Baptist volunteers (37:16) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (53:12) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (59:47) 

Visit TAB News HERE

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts HERE


When Chette Williams first thought about stepping into the role of football team chaplain at Auburn University, it didn’t exist as a full-time position. Up until then, local pastors had served in that role as volunteers, but no one was there as a full-time spiritual director for the team. 

But God had plans, it seems — when Coach Tommy Tuberville came to Auburn in 1999, he sat down with Williams, and together they drafted his job description. And now two decades later of leading athletes to know Jesus better, Williams is the longest-standing chaplain at a NCAA Division I school, and he’s served as director of Auburn’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes for just as long. 

Williams and Auburn’s basketball chaplain Randy Roberts join TAB News hosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell this week to share about their personal faith journeys as well as their roles at Auburn. 

Following the 27-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations: 

Kidney donation inspires Clarke County motorcycle ministry (29:55) 

Back-to-school event brings the world to Alabama Baptist volunteers (37:16) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (53:12) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (59:47) 

Visit TAB News HERE

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts HERE