Articles of impeachment against the U.S. president are moving to the next step and this is only the latest discussion among Americans that can turn heated in mere moments. Many people have joked how the conversation around this year’s Thanksgiving table left extended family members staring at each other in silence as each person worked hard to avoid topics that might upset someone else. 

Politics, religion and sports — these have always been topics that stirred controversy and sparked debate, but the level of intensity has grown in recent years, so much so that we are seemingly existing in and around anger at all times. 

To help TAB News co-hosts Jennifer Rash and Debbie Campbell dive a bit deeper into this topic and discuss healthy ways to communicate in an angry culture is Gary Fenton, a leadership consultant, longtime minister and development officer for Samford University in Birmingham. 

Following the 30-minute interview, TAB staff members and correspondents will present an audio digest of this week’s issue including news, features, Dr. Batson’s Theology 101 column and Sunday School commentaries. 

Article Locations:

Radio commercial propels couple toward years of foster care with ABCH (29:58) 

Country Christmas parade is largest in state (36:23) 

Explore the Bible Sunday School Lesson (47:45) 

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson (55:31) 

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