Previous Episode: SMART start in 2021
Next Episode: Faith and Counseling

The focus is LOVE. This month on T Time, Twanna and her husband of 23 years, Pastor Michael Henderson, share transformational steps you can start today to experience and give love from John Townsend's book, Loving People: How to Love and Be Loved. 

0:09 Twanna introduces Pastor Michael Henderson, her husband of 23 years, as the special guest for this month's special podcast for Valentine's Day. 

1:05 This year, for one of Twanna and Pastor Henderson's goals, they committed to reading John Townsend's book, Loving People: How to Love and Be Loved. They share how they are going to talk about their biggest takeaways on loving people through this book. 

3:11 Pastor Henderson unpacks the definition of love shared in Townsend's book.

4:40 Pastor Henderson explains this new idea that some people are incapable of love because they have never genuinely received love themselves. 

7:29 Due to his experience of growing up in a large family and not getting much attention, Pastor Henderson shares his thoughts on how he never really experienced or understood love until his conversion as a teenager. 

9:00 The Greeks define love in different levels. Pastor Henderson explains three levels of love that were shared in Townsend's book. 

13:46 Pastor Henderson talks about the common phrase of "loving yourself first" being more of a pop culture mentality and how Townsend debunks that thought in his book. 

16:46 Twanna shares how Townsend, in his book, explains that for you to love people, you need two things: humility and tolerating discomfort. 

20:00 If you want to connect with others, Pastor Henderson shares, you have got to be willing to get hurt by being vulnerable.

22:21 Pastor Henderson answers Twanna's question about the difference between caring for someone and loving someone. The most significant distinction is that caring is safe, but you're taking a risk when you love. 

26:22 Twanna asks, "why is letting go or forgiveness vital when loving people"? 

26:45 Pastor Henderson explains the misunderstanding of forgiveness. Many believe forgiveness is for the offender when it is about the offended. 

28:34 Pastor Henderson closes in prayer. 

For video versions of episode 48 and onward visit us on Youtube.