Never before have so many families struggled with incorporating what happens in business with what happens in the home. The pursuit of work-life integration has become more important now than ever.  But what exactly, does that mean, and how do you do it?

Business can be an endlessly fascinating subject that encourages the exchange of ideas and eager discussions about the future. Or the constant demands of business creeping into the home can cause undue stress in the family and disintegrate relationships. How do you deal with the reality that the responsibilities of business can sometimes feel more urgent than the important everyday needs of your family?  How do you bring your work life into your home life in a way that is healthy for you and your family? 

Join us in this episode as our family discusses how you can integrate your work into your family in ways that benefit both your business and your marriage. Find out how you can create healthy boundaries, support each other’s goals and use your work as an opportunity to build intimacy in your marriage.  

Episode Highlights:

How to integrate work into your life and family How spouses can understand and support each other’s work life in ways that build intimacy in the marriage Deciding what to share with your spouse about your business and professional life The benefits of integrating your business and professional life into your family life The challenges of integrating your business and professional life into your family life Creating healthy boundaries  Honoring your spouse’s needs and goals Thank you

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