This 3rd episode of SysCast revolves around secrets: managing API keys, passwords, tokens, … with Hashicorp’s Vault.

I’m joined by Seth Vargo from Hashicorp who explains how Vault works, its internals, different use cases, key management & rollover and lots of interesting details about Vault itself.

If you’re storing your passwords inside your git repository or managing them by hand in yaml/ini files, listen to this episode to learn how Vault can help store credentials more securely and automate secret management for you.

Once again, if you have a minute or 2, leave a rating on iTunes.


@sethvargo on Twitter the official website
The interactive demo of Vault
Consul Template
Using HashiCorp’s Vault with Chef (applicable to Puppet/Ansible, too)

Feedback? Let me know via [email protected] or at @mattiasgeniar on Twitter.

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