In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about SvelteKit — what it is and why you might want to use it.

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Show Notes

03:28 - What is it?

Total platform for building Svelte apps Built in Vite.js Includes all of the Vite goodness but it hides behind the scenes for the most part Host anywhere

05:16 - Is it CSR, SSR, SSG, WTF?!

All of the above. Uses adapters to control the output: kit: { // hydrate the element in src/app.html target: '#svelte', adapter: adapter() }

09:45 - What you get out of the box

File-based routing API routes Layouts and layout resets Fancy file titles [slug] __layout Code splitting & preloading PostCSS TypeScript support

17:03 - Neat small things

Glob import Links SvelteKit Next.js Gatsby.js Sapper tailwindcss @chriscoyier Tweet us your tasty treats! Scott’s Instagram LevelUpTutorials Instagram Wes’ Instagram Wes’ Twitter Wes’ Facebook Scott’s Twitter Make sure to include @SyntaxFM in your tweets

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