We romanticize a couple of action movie sequels by pretending they’re love stories. Rob's got a recap of Expendables 2 that might involve old meatman Stallone falling big head over feet in love with the beautiful JCVD. Ellen's got the story of some T-rexes in love over on apparently a second dinosaur island in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Crack open one of them leftover holiday wines and enjoy.

Keep an eye out next month for the first episode of Dollar Theater Double Feature, Rob's new solo show that'll appear right here on the MMADF feed. He's gonna talk about a couple of Claudia Jennings exploitation movies: The Great Texas Dynamite Chase & Unholy Rollers.

At low-effort content—where okay is okay—we make stuff and share it with you to celebrate life with curiosity, creativity, and compassion...kind of...sometimes.

You can contact us & buy our coffee mugs and things.

And you can listen to our shows: 

Make Mine a Double Feature, where Rob & Ellen have a few drinks and tell each other movie stories in all kinds of ways—like backwards or in the form of letters or from the POV of a side character.

Kid. Dad. Songs. Yeah!, where Rob & Felix talk about music.

Trivial Television, where Ellen & Rob recap TV episodes while sprinkling in facts, fictions, and trivia questions.

Booyah 90s Now, where Rob & Joe break down what it’s been like to live under the influence of 90s media.

Thanks for hanging out. 

Take care.