Both of the movies we're talking about tonight are called Drive. One of them is about Ryan Gosling quietly driving. The other one is about two guys driving into one badguy fight after another (that's the 1997 one).

Have a drink if you're into that kind of thing and enjoy.

You can contact or support us over at & check out all the other stuff we’re making: 

Make Mine a Double Feature, where we have a few drinks and tell each other movie stories in all kinds of ways—like backwards or in the form of letters or from the POV of a side character.

Kid.Dad.Songs.Yeah!, and his dad talking about music, where a kid and his dad talk about music, usually by having songs battle it out in a bracket.

Trivial Television, where we recap TV episodes while sprinkling in facts, fictions, and trivia questions.

Booyah 90s Now, where we break down what it’s been like to live under the influence of 90s media.

Plus, we have shows on bananas, pop culture lists, the internet, and other stuff in our low-effort content feed. 

Thanks for hanging out. Thanks for listening to this.

Take care.