“It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot and I agree, it’s going to just continually get better.” — Mitch Fanning 

Today’s episode is a bittersweet one because we are saying goodbye to Mitch Fanning, one of the hosts of the show. Not only was Mitch an incredible VP of Marketing at Rentsync, but he was also a skilled podcaster. This was clear by just how quickly the show grew. In this chat, Mitch reflects on his time at Rentsync and shares details about where he is going next. Undoubtedly, the company where he is moving is incredibly lucky to have him. We also talk about Mitch’s fondest episode and what he has learned from hosting a podcast. As usual, we wrap up with a quick-fire round, which might just be the last one we ever do! Be sure to tune in to hear it all.  

Key Points From This Episode:

What Mitch’s biggest achievements as the VP of marketing at Rentsync have been  Hear about the details of Mitch’s next career move.  The unique position Rentsync found itself in growing as quickly as it did.  Mitch’s hopes for the show as he says goodbye to it.  Some numbers related to the podcast; we’re doing great!  How the multifamily industry had adjusted to the remote-first world.  Mitch’s favourite episode and who he wishes he interviewed before he left.  The biggest lessons Mitch has learned doing the podcast.  A final quick-fire round with Mitch.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Mitch Fanning How to SaaS Steve Cowan Rentsync Sync or Swim Email — [email protected]

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