"When I was looking for a place to live, I ended up driving up to Chicago, six weekends in a row to look at properties looked at over 40 different properties in person. And it was a pretty painful process because at least half of those I walked in, instantly turned around and walked out. I knew within seconds I wasn't gonna be living there." – Matt Weirich

Looking for a place to live is never an easy process. 

You search for a place and the building, amenities, and unit images look great online. . So you get in the car, drive there, walk in the door, and immediately know that it's not for you. So, you hop back in the car to start the search over again. Wasted time. There has to be a better way to look for a place to rent online, right? 

Thanks to people like Matt Weirich and his team at Realync, there is. They're changing the game when it comes to video-leasing and leasing properties sight unseen, removing the physical barrier to property leasing. 

On this episode of Sync or Swim, we talk with Matt all about: 

Why six trips to Chicago and 40 property viewings sparked the idea for Realync Why he sat on the idea for 2 years before putting together an MVP What COVID did for the "lease-unseen" industry Why 63% of homebuyers in 2020 bought sight unseen, and what that means for the industry Best practices for showing a property over video

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