Quebec is a unique area in Canada with distinct differences in culture that set it apart from other regions. Naturally, the rental market reflects these differences. Today on the Sync or Swim podcast, we are joined by Rentsync’s very own Quebec rental expert, Hudson Bytautas to take a deep dive into the Quebec rental market. Tuning in, you’ll hear about Hudson’s career journey, some surprising facts and trends in the Quebec rental market, how region-specific trends impact the market, key differences between the rental market in Quebec and other regions, and so much more! We delve into how the lower cost of living in Quebec impacts the culture before discussing the student population that needs to be catered to. We even talk about what other areas of Canada can learn from Quebec’s rental market. Finally, Hudson shares his predictions for this unique area’s future and shares advice for first-timers looking to rent property in Quebec. Thanks for listening in!


Key Points From This Episode:


Introducing Hudson Bytautas and how he became a rental expert in Quebec.  Differences, trends, and surprising facts about the Quebec rental market.  Region-specific trends and how they impact the rental market overall.  How the rental market in Quebec compares to those in other provinces.  The importance of marketing and catering to an influx of students throughout the year.  How the lower cost of living in Quebec shapes the culture in general.  What lessons other areas across Canada can learn from Quebec’s rental market.  Where Hudson sees the rental market in Quebec over the next few years.  Hudson’s advice for someone looking to rent in Quebec for the first time.