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Welcome all you slack jawing sons of bitches to your monthly ass chafing. We conclude our 3 month journey into Bayhem with our 3rd and final explosive episode dedicated to putting to rest, once and for all, the age old question: Is Michael Bay an action auteur or is he just a flashy horse shit artist? Returning one last time to help us close out this 3 month journey through the explosive filmography of Michael Bay, is Petros Patsilivas (Caged In: Coppola Connections & Getting DaFoe You Podcast). For our 3rd and final installment we will be taking a look at the 5 biggest piles of horse shit from Mr. Bay's filmography (decided by the average of all 3 of our ratings of them) to get a better understanding of what areas he truly fails at as a filmmaker. Along the way we will play one last Michael Bay themed game and close this daunting expedition out with our final findings of Michael Bay as a filmmaker. So join us for one last profanity laced, humorous exploration of one of Hollywood's most polarizing directors.