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So this had been planned as a two-parter titled "Those Pesky Kids!" (the other movie we were going to cover was 1997's Masterminds) but instead will provide us with our final episode before we go on indefinite hiatus.

More on that in a minute but first some details on the episode. For this last hurrah we pulled in an excellent guest in the form of fellow podcaster and Coppola family expert Petros Patsilivas to talk about a film that both him, our regular host Scott Murphy and we would guess any 90s raised martial art enthusiast have a lot of nostalgia for 3 Ninjas! 

Over the course of the episode Petros and Scott talked about scenery chewing villains,  obvious stunt double work and the greatness of Victor Wong. Plus, they get into how this movie manages to pack in EVERY early 90s cliche, try to make sense of the villain Snyder's operation and how this film was popular enough to spawn three sequels.

Lastly, Craig and I would just like to thank everyone who checked out our little podcast that allowed us to revisit some childhood action favourites and some movies we never want to watch again! It has been a blast. Hopefully we can record specials in the future. So, keep subscribed as you just never know when we will be back!