Podcast Episode! MAUI Hotness with James Montemagno

James and I talked to James Montemagno to take a deep look at tech that will absolutely have an impact on our business app customers. Montemagno leads the developer community team, part of the developer tools division that builds all manner of the tools that many of us nerds use on the daily. I’m deeply appreciative to get this kind of tech insight, and Montemagno is a great communicator of his interests. 

Leaders of enterprise development orgs, I would strongly advise you consider .NET and MAUI as your approach to cross-platform development. C# knowledge is basically ubiquitous in the business developer community (and I freakin’ love the language), and working from a single codebase for applications that might demand multiple platforms is a killer time-saver. If your team has .NET skills, MAUI just makes tons of sense. 

HighlightsPart of division that builds .NET, Visual Studio, VSCode, C#, TypeScript, and more (holy cow, this division more or less makes my job go).NET MAUI is the evolution of Xamarin, launched recently and discussed in depth in this episodeDev advocacy is an important part of his career. This involves a few things: the goal should be to enable, grow, and nurture a community around a product. It’s about relationships — not (directly) selling. Hire people that love your product, and love to show other people.MAUI is an important step in .NET’s larger goal of enabling developers to build for anythingMAUI enables developers to build for multiple platforms from a single, C# codebase. iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows!MAUI stacks up against Flutter, React Native, and other multi-targeting frameworks primarily through its C#/.NET community strength — but you’ve always got to look at the team you’re working with and going with its strengths, tooDon’t forget that .NET can actually power mashups between your pro-code solutions and your low-code tools, especially well-done in MS Power PlatformJames is excited by augmented and mixed reality starting to arrive.Money Quotes

James M

There’s only one me. How do you create a thousand of me? By building trust.

Pick the best tool for your project and your team. 

What I’m hoping about the future is that technology can de-clutter our lives.


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