HighlightsHau’s been doing it 20 years!Fell into analytics accidentally — got into the working world via an on-campus interview with PwC. Wound up getting business consulting training, without really expecting it. First project was in US Navy, doing purchase order stuff with pre-printed forms.Being onsite is a consulting holdover that’s really shifted in COVID timesHau is seeing more analysts with a technical background, seeing more developers with business acumenAnalytics project team size is starting to get smaller, each person can do moreWith SAP analytics cloud, SAP’s approach is that the customer retains ownership and control of the dataAnalytics Cloud is the easy part: you still have to tackle your dataInfrastructure connection pain points remain part of the challenge of any project. Overcome that hurdle quickly and you’ll be rollingMoney Quotes


Today, I am solving the same problems from 20 years ago — but I get to solve faster, and with cooler tools.


The struggle has always been: “How do i know what i have?”


You don’t even need to have my coding/engineering background!


[on SAP Analytics Cloud performance] It’s just as fast — or just as slow [as your source system].


How do I get this business person to see this insight really quickly?



You can’t have a bad source system and have an analytics tool make up for that.


It’s still boring, but it’s boring in the cloud! So it’s better!



We’re trending in a direction where it’s becoming more democratized. The tooling is making it more accessible.


We’ve seen a shift: let’s not even do traditional BI because of all the headaches.