“It is absolutely unnatural and unnecessary for adult humans to be consuming the milk of another species. It’s unnatural and it’s unhealthy.” - Dr. Milton Mills, MD


Most doctors receive less than 24 hours worth of nutrition education during their four years of medical school; they prescribe pills and surgeries without first looking at their patients’ diet.


For Dr. Milton Mills, this is not the case. A critical care physician working at an ICU, Dr. Mills is no stranger to patients suffering from advanced stages of chronic disease. His first recommendation? Ditch dairy. He is on a mission to educate the public about the consequences of dairy - to both individual health and that of society.


He supports his claims with medical evidence, and we take a deep dive into exactly why dairy is so harmful. He is truly passionate about this topic, and it was a pleasure to sit down with him and learn so much.


What we discuss in this episode:


- Health risks of consuming dairy, including acne, digestive problems, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. 


- Lactose intolerance and people of color.


- Government involvement in the dairy industry and dairy promotion. 


The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine


The Blue Zones 


NutritionFacts.org YouTube for science-backed, easily digestible, and subject-specific videos on health and the benefits of a plant-based diet.



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