Poop. It might not be dinner table conversation, but there’s no denying it’s on everyone’s minds.


If you ever feel bloated, constipated, or experience more serious digestive issues, it could be due to your diet.


Plant-based and board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Angie Sadeghi walks us through all our burning questions about our gut including colonics, enemas, probiotics, and more.


Learn how to become more “regular” and diversify your gut microbiome, so get a pen and paper ready; you’ll want to take notes!


What we discuss in this episode:


- How dairy negatively affects the gut microbiome


- How to diversify the gut microbiome with plant-based foods


- The importance of fiber


- Everything you want to know about your colon


- How to start feeling better by gradually transitioning to high fiber foods


- “Dairy Is Scary” video by Erin Janus


- Follow Angie on Instagram @angie.sadeghi or visit her website www.drangiehealth.com


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