Indra Lahiri is a renowned communicator with a resume that boasts senior-level communications positions at global companies from PNC Bank to Coca-Cola. However, she’s using her superior communication skills to foster a relationship between humans and animals. The founder of Indraloka Animal Sanctuary in Dalton, PA, Indra saves and cares for hundreds of rescued farm animals while teaching children and adults alike about the need for compassion, communication, and respect for all lives. Indra is both articulate and grounded, loving and insightful. We learned so much about connection during this discussion, and we could all use a bit more of that right now. 


What we discuss in this episode:


- Indra’s background in communication and how she translates that to running a sanctuary. 


- The need to listen and respect others—both human and animal. 


- Personalities of animals


- The difference between a sanctuary and a zoo. 


- Hopeful Heroes program


- Animal Penpal Program


- Indraloka’s website


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