Matteo Manferdini joins us to discuss proper MVC and iOS Architecture!

Topics Discussed
1:45 About Matteo Manferdini
7:29 Models
13:26 Model Controllers
19:20 View Controllers
25:36 Views
28:30 View Models
33:40 Coordinators
54:44 Relationship between Model Controllers and Networking
1:01:25 Recommended Resources
1:07:45 Things We Love

Matteo's Website
Matteo's Blog
Let's Play: Refactor the Mega-Controller - Andy Matuschak

Things We Love

1) 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
2) Grammarly

1) Apple Music - Dreamwallow’s Zelda electronic remixes
2) UIViewProperty Animator
Advances in UIKit Animations and Transitions, Advanced Animations with UIKit


*NOTE: Some of the above are affiliate links that financially support the show. We only share things that I or my guest have personally enjoyed, so if you share similar interests and want to help out, feel free to make a purchase!