In this episode, we dive into the framework we love to hate to love: SourceKit.

We wrap up with an overview of method dispatch in Swift.

SourceKit on Linux

Swift core team is fixing compiler crashers faster than they're filed!

Slava Pestov being a driving force behind many of these fixes.
@practicalswift is basically Swift compiler fuzzing as-a-service ;)
Undoing all of @practicalswift's hard work

SourceKit home page
Process Isolation
Key contributors to SourceKit:

Brian Croom and his many SourceKit PRs to help get it linking and compiling on Linux.
Alex Blewitt and his numerous attempts at getting SourceKit compiling by default on Linux.

SR-1676: Build SourceKit on Linux
CMake homepage
Final PR to get SourceKit building on Linux: #5903
Jesse's talk at "try! Swift": Contributing to Open Source Swift
Atom Editor
Nuclide Atom Package
Sourcery codegen tool

Method Dispatch

Raizlabs' article on Method Dispatch in Swift
Chris Lattner's tweet about the article
Swift Evolution thread: Changing NSObject dispatch behavior

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