Over the last several years, there has been a growing focus on two different conversations: one about the commercial and economic development of space, and another about the risk of conflict on Earth extending into space. Yet there is often very little dialogue on how these two issues interact and what impact each may have on the other. How might greater geopolitical instability or actual war in space impact commercialization? Can the private sector play a role in deterring space conflict or providing more resilient capabilities? | Moderator: Brian Weeden, SWF Director of Program Planning


Joshua Huminski, Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress

Pam Melroy, Melroy & Hollett Technology Partners

Bhavya Lal, Science and Technology Policy Institute

Doug Loverro, Loverro Consulting

Jeffrey Trauberman, VOX Space

This audio was recorded June 25th at the National Press Club in Washington, DC as part of the Secure World Foundation's Summit for Space Sustainability.