Recorded in Washington, DC, on June 27, 2017.

SWF co-sponsored, with the National Space Weather Partnership, the 2017 the Space Weather Enterprise Forum. This year’s theme was "Implementing a National Space Weather Partnership.”

The forum brought together a blended audience of space weather experts from both research and operations, space weather users from the public and private sectors, academia, international representatives, and policy makers. One of the event objectives was continuing outreach and education to raise awareness of space weather effects on systems and humans and to provide information on available services.


Ms. Kenyetta Blunt, Chief, Recovery Planning Branch, Federal Emergency Management Agency Mr. Ralph Stoffler, Director of Weather, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters, US Air Force Dr. Ken Friedman, Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Department of Energy Mr. Mark MacAlester, Telecommunications Specialist and National Response Coordinator in the Disaster Emergency Communications Division at FEMA Moderator: Mr. Jack Anderson, Department of Homeland Security

More details, including transcripts, can be found at the event page on the SWF website.