The SWR Bottle Weight Accord now has 15 signatories with many more wine businesses, from retailers to producers, currently in the process of joining.

The SWR Bottle Weight Accord is a voluntary collaboration in which signatories commit to reducing the average 750ml still wine bottle weight to below an average of 420 grammes by the end of 2026.

At SWR we know this is not going to be easy. Our role is also to support members in making this happen. We will do this in two ways:

Firstly, we’ll drive both connections and collaboration between members so they can share challenges and solutions.
Secondly, we’re developing guidance and tools to enable the Accord to happen.

In this webinar our speakers share more about the process, the outcomes and most importantly, the climate and savings.

Speakers include:

Dr Peter Stanbury, Research and Standards Director, SWR

Anne-Laure Ferroir, Director, Terra Vitis

Jeff Turnas, Senior Vice President of Culinary, Whole Foods Market

Moderated by Tobias Webb, Founder and Executive Director, SWR