October 9, 2016 was the first ever National Nanotechnology Day (10/9 = 10-9 for nano!). On this episode of the Sustainable Nano podcast, we talk with Dr. Lisa Friedersdorf, Deputy Director of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office, about National Nanotechnology Day, activities like  #100BillionNanometers, the Nobel Prize, and this year’s Generation Nano superhero contest.

image by the Hinkle Group



Stay tuned for more podcast episodes coming every other week this fall! You can find them all on our podcast page, or you can also subscribe on  iTunes or  Stitcher.


Relevant links:

National Nanotechnology Initiative: Nano.gov
Nobel Prize in Chemistry: press release and [Sustainable Nano blog post](http://sustainable-nano.com/2016/10/07/how-to-understand-nobel-science/ ‎)
Generation Nano Contest
National Ice Cream Day and National Doughnut Day

Interviewee : Dr. Lisa Friedersdorf

Host/Producer : Miriam Krause

**Music: ** Our music is by Ketsa, from the Free Music Archive

Tagged: nanotechnology, National Nanotechnology Day, podcast