Today's quotation is from 1 Corinthians 10:31-33

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved."

 I wanted to Renew the purpose of this Podcast and Reflect on what might be next.  There are three overall premises; first, that there is a clear linkage between Spirituality and Sustainability,  and second, that it is our personal responsibility to work toward Sustainable Development.  That only from a ground up movement can real change be possible.  Changes that are both Global and God-focused.  And finally, that this movement is ecumenical and inclusive, that we will walk together with all men and women of faith. That together, we will be co-creators of God kin-dom on earth.

I asked my millennial children what they think will characterize the next ten years and their answer was "Revolution".  While I cannot disagree that as we leave the decade that began with Occupy Wall Street may begin with Occupy Main Street, I think there are other "R" words that can be our watchwords.  Pick which ones you might personally Resonate with!

Recognition: to recognize the plight of others.  To go from #metoo to #youtoo!  To be empathic toward others.  Walk in their shoes, drink from their cup.

Reflection: Embrace the quiet.  For some, it is when you can hear the voice of God.  Ponder the plight of others or plan the direction you must go.  Reflection is not just what you see in the mirror!

Reconciliation: Reconcile with those you may have hurt.  I recently saw the movie "The Two Popes" which is a wonderful story of reconciliation between two souls.  This is a movie that brought me to tears which very few movies have been able to do.
Restoration: This is taking the next step.  To plant trees, save wildlife.  To put back that which has been used.  To restore something to the state it used to be.  It can be as simple as picking up trash that others have tossed.
Restitution: To acknowledge that some have been unfairly treated and to pay back that which had been taken away.  This is justice as something that reaches both forward and backward in time.
Reconnection: Try to reconnect to something that you have moved away from.  This could be personal relationships or even nature itself.  Your life can be enriched through this effort to reconnect.
Review: The beginning of any decade is as good a place as any to look back and assess where you have been and where you are going.
Relevance: Some things are important, others are not.  Try to determine for yourself that which is important in your life and the lives of others.

Responsibility: Understand that you are in control of your life.  Your actions can and will affect others, so act accordingly.  Become an ambassador for the coming age.  Sometimes we are called to take a leadership position.  Be ready to take that responsibility! 

Resolutions: It is now time for us to make our resolutions, our action plan.  Reduce - 

Recycle - Reuse  To live simply so other may simply live 

So my closing blessing to you is that as we transition from Global Awareness to Global Shareholder, our amen to the body and blood of Christ is an Amen to the human desire to change.  To Renew ourselves toward God and what, where, and who he is calling us to be.  To build a new world. To boldly go forward into the future.  A future that we as children of God envision for ourselves and create for our children's children.  Amen.

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