Hello fellow Aunties, uncles, and guncles! We are still in the euphoria of #babysussex! Michelle couldn’t join us today but we had 4 amazing guests hosts today! Thanks Kat, Cami, Yaa, and Sonia! We appreciate you all!

Please excuse the technical difficulties in the sound. We were able to sort it out at some point during the podcast.

Today we had more reactions to Baby Sussex being born, the press reactions, possible names, possible god-parents. We are excited for the photo call later today. We hope the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are enjoying their baby boy!

Global susses baby shower is still going till Sunday May 12th! Get your donations out in support of baby Sussex  if you  can

Charities supported by shower:

 WellChild is a national charity who’s aim is to help children and young people thrive at home with their families.@wellchild / http://wellchild.org.uk

The Lunchbox Fund provides a daily meal to orphaned and vulnerable school children in areas of South Africa. @TheLunchboxFund thelunchboxfund.org/donate/

LittleVillage provides donated clothes and kit to local families experiencing hardship in London. @LittleVillageHQ / http://littlevillagehq.org

Baby2Baby is a California based charity, providing children living in poverty with clothing, diapers and the basics that every child deserves. @baby2baby / http://baby2baby.org

Thanks for joining us for this episode the Sussex Squad Podcast. We sincerely hope you guys have enjoyed this episode and please don’t forget to send letters to Harry, Meghan, Baby Sussex  by using hashtag welcomebabysussex on envelope and in letter.

Subscribe to our podcast on all podcasting platforms and youtube,  Don’t forget to leave us a 5 star rating and review on itunes.

#Royalbaby #babysussex #MeghanMarkle #PrinceHarry #Welcomebabysussex