What would make the Edge fair? And what does Will Arnett have to do with it? We unpacked that and much more in this penultimate recap of Winners at War.

Our top 15 points for this two-hour episode:

15. Did Michele really have a good episode?

14. Denise’s state of mind

13. Tony doesn’t know how weeks work

12. Sarah easily convinces Ben to get rid of Nick

11. Nick wins immunity, Michele decidedly does not.

10. The first scramble

9. The 50/50 coin is played. Should the coin come back?

8. Jeremy is voted out and bequeaths his tokens to Michele.

7. Ben’s extremely elaborate metaphors

6. Tony doesn’t want goats because it’s the Super Bowl?

5. Nick is a dumb-dumb and Michele knows it

4. Michele wins Immunity

3. The second scramble

2. Who is or isn't faked out at tribal?

1. Nick is OUT

0. Natalie is rich in tokens and friends

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