To our loyal viewer(s?), thanks so much for sticking with us for 200 episodes of Survivor Top Ten. 


Unlike Coach after Exile Island, we still have a lot more gas left in the tank. Subscribe and follow for more rewatch recaps and eventually weekly recaps of new Survivor episodes once again.

If you haven't listened to part one of our Tocantins rewatch, do so now! 

Some episode higlights:

- The top five most entertaining players of Tocantins

- Coach and JT nearly tied for first place. Find out who got first and why.

- One of use ranked Stephen Fishbach first. Still not sure why.

- A highlight from an old podcast, showing a (sort of) good bold prediction!

- and much, much more weird observations


Show links:

Our twitter account

The full Dragonz album

More memorable moments


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