It started with "The List"

The List! What began as a colossal list of topics has been methodically trimmed down to ten carefully assessed topics of Movie-Discussion. In this special Shootin' the Breeze episode, Dwaine and David are joined by Dwaine's slightly older and much more refined brother, Zack Stroud, for a podcast episode that is sure to get you rushing out to your local RedBox this weekend.


T H E   L I S T !

01 - Favorite childhood movie - as a kid or a teenager
02 - Movie and scene during which you laughed uncontrollably
03 - Favorite chick flick
04 - Favorite Christmas movie
05 - Movie that made you sleep with the light on
06 - Movie that surprised you the most - it was actually good
07 - Worst movie you’ve ever seen - did you walk out?
08 - Best movie you've seen that no one’s heard of
09 - Movie that you liked when you first saw it, but now you don’t
10 - Movie that had the most effect on your life

T o p   5   M o v i e s   –   F a n t a s y   F o o t b a l l   S t y l e !

We'll take turns picking our favorite movies like a football draft. If your next pick is chosen before your turn, you can mention you were going to pick it but you have to pick another one. Just like a sports draft.

It started with "The List"

The List! What began as a colossal list of topics has been methodically trimmed down to ten carefully assessed topics of Movie-Discussion. In this special Shootin' the Breeze episode, Dwaine and David are joined by Dwaine's slightly older and much more refined brother, Zack Stroud, for a podcast episode that is sure to get you rushing out to your local RedBox this weekend.


T H E   L I S T !

01 - Favorite childhood movie - as a kid or a teenager02 - Movie and scene during which you laughed uncontrollably03 - Favorite chick flick04 - Favorite Christmas movie05 - Movie that made you sleep with the light on06 - Movie that surprised you the most - it was actually good07 - Worst movie you’ve ever seen - did you walk out?08 - Best movie you've seen that no one’s heard of09 - Movie that you liked when you first saw it, but now you don’t10 - Movie that had the most effect on your life

T o p   5   M o v i e s   –   F a n t a s y   F o o t b a l l   S t y l e !

We'll take turns picking our favorite movies like a football draft. If your next pick is chosen before your turn, you can mention you were going to pick it but you have to pick another one. Just like a sports draft.