Lately, there have been a lot of angry young people carrying flags that aren't red, white, and blue. One day you might find yourself in the midst of these unhappy folks, which is what we call "cruising for a bruising." Dr. Joe Alton tells you strategies on how to stay safe in times of civil unrest.

Plus, the medic in times of trouble must have the knowledge and ability to close wounds when it's appropriate. We've talked about this subject many times, and how important it is to cultivate the judgment related to when to and when not to close a wound. You'll also need to know a little about the suture materials available to you, which you'll find in this episode!

Lastly, you might be more likely to get hit by lightning than bitten by a shark, but it's not impossible if you go in the water and it's interesting to talk about! Dr. Bones tells you what to do. Also, a question from a listener of the podcast about the usefulness of the time-honored "Dakin's solution" for wound care.

All this and more in the latest Survival Medicine Podcast with Joe and Amy Alton!

Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad,

Joe and Amy