In good times or bad, families may face any number of events where trauma causes injuries. In the United States alone, there are over 37 million emergency department visits annually due to some type of trauma. Off the grid, it stands to reason that activities of daily survival performed by those unaccustomed will greatly increase the number of traumatic wounds. This week, Dr. Joe Alton discusses what to do for strains and sprains. 

Also, the Alton discuss antiseptics, both commercial and improvised, and their use in survival scenarios to save lives. Plus, a Survival Podcast question about strokes leads Dr. Alton to tell you all you need to know about them in good times or bad.

Hey, find out more about  150  medical topics in survival settings with a copy of the greatly expanded 4th Edition of the Survival Medicine Handbook, available at Amazon or get a personally signed copy at You'll be glad you did.

Joe and Amy Alton